[입트영] 2018/4/30 Bullying at Schools 학교 폭력
Talk about bullying at schools go to extremes: 극단적이 되다 harassment: 괴롭힘 get brutally beat up: 참혹하게 구타당하다 appalling: 끔찍한 take one's own life: 스스로 목숨을 끊다 root out school bullying: 학내 괴롭힘을 근절하다 School bullying, however, has gone to extremes these days, and has become a serious social problem. 하지만 요즘의 학교 폭력은 극단적으로 변하고 있고, 심각한 사회 문제가 되고 있다. Many students have become the victim of continuous harassment..