[입트영] 2018/8/14 Massages 마사지
Talk about the massages you get in your life. by leaps and bounds: 급속도로, 일취월장으로 par for the course: 보편적인 seek out: 찾아내다 spike: 급등하다 spring up like mushrooms: 우후죽순으로 생겨나다 bring to mind: ~을 상기[연상]시키다 on offer: 제공되는 zero in on: ~에 집중하다 loosen up muscles: 근육을 풀다 tense up: 긴장하다, 움츠리다 alleviate stress: 스트레스를 해소하다 In the past 10 years, the number of people who get massages has grown by leaps and bounds..