[입트영] 2018/10/5 Cramming 벼락치기
Talk about cramming. pull an all-nighter: 밤을 새다 feel spent: 지치다 on edge: 불안한 be easier said than done: 말처럼 쉽지 않다 be wiped from someone's memory: 잊혀지다 on occasion: 때때로 scramble to: ~하려고 서두르다 in a rush: 급하게 take it steady: 꾸준히 하다 For mid-term and final exams, I always pulled all-nighters to study. 중간고사, 기말고사 기간에는 항상 밤새 잠을 안 자고 공부를 했었다. Whenever I crammed that way, the things I studied were wiped f..